Sheesh! The days sure are passing by fast. Alot has happened in the last week. We had our family BBQ. Papa finally got those beef back ribs he was asking for. The food was really good although I was under the weather =(
David FINALLY go his hair cut just in time for picture day at school. Some would say it was a miricle but we made it through the whole haircut without any tears...the lady was really good with him. David also had his open house this week and we all meet with his teacher Mrs. Aicha. She is the sweetest lady and is very hands on with the kids. David is really growing up now. He is no longer the class bully althogh he sometimes needs extra reminding to be quiet during circle time. He is learning so much everyday, it amazes me. He knows his left from right, How to spell his name and how many letters are in his name. Today was his first show and tell. He was so proud of himself that he ran in and told everyone what was in his bag. LOL! I guess we will have to work on that one!
I am doing much better. After almost a week of being sick from the chemo and loosing a majority of my eyesight, I am now holding down food and able to see again. I have had two days in a row where I feel pretty much wonderful. It's the first time in a year that I have felt this good. I hope that it lasts...knock on wood! I even got a report from my DR that my MRI results look better thatn last year...whatever that means...at least the word better is encouraging.
Earlier this week David and I got the approval from "the powers that be" (mom & dad) lol, that we can finally make a trip back to San Diego. This is very exciting for us. It will be great to see family and friends and for me , to be well enough to remember the visit. That wasn't the case last year. I was very, very ill and it wasn't much fun for anyone involved...so this should be a treat. We will be gone Oct 28- Dec 2. Sounds like a long time but we all know how time flies.
Well thatnks for checkin in and I hope you all had a wonderful week. Enjoy the weekend!!!
1 comment:
I am not sure what I am going to do without my neighbor friend for a month!!!! = )
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