Sunday, September 28, 2008
Summer In the Fall...
Today was an exceptional day! It was about 90 degrees outside and for the end of september in Salem that is definately something to celebrate. So, my Friend Melissa invited us up with of her kids to her parents house in Mollala (which by the was is an amazing place to go visit) for the day. We had an awsome time. The kids played there lil' hearts out. They swam, helped in the garden, played on the jungle gym, had a picnic lunch, went to a really cool park that had a really neat water feature park, road on a tractor, had a BBQ dinner,& then played galore again! It was a very busy day & we had tons of fun, I can't wait untill next time!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Neurological Update...
So I met with my neurologist today for the first time in a long time.At first the visit seemed very uplifting, he was as pleased as i was about feeling better than I have in a year. That was untill he told me thst this psuedo recovery would soon where off as the chemo tappers down & thst my health will most likely decline untill my next chemo infusion 3 months down the line. So like I said that didn't turn out to be the most uplifting news, but i'm refusing to let such nonsense dampen my spirits! I also found out the culprit of my never ending nausea...i am not actually sick every day, but my body is tricking itself into believing it to be. Kind of bizzare I know but let me explain. The tenth cranial nerve is responsible for the feeling of being nauseated, to get to that nerve you have impulses that run through the cervicle spine where my largest MS lesion happens to be. Some where there is a shortage of these circuts that is resulting in my brain telling my tummy it's sick. It sucks but the explanation is somewhay cool. After this discouraging appt. the day wasn't all lost though. My dad took me to verizon to get this amazing new phone that has a month of free internetwhich is where this very message is comming from so late at night =) & then I was able two catch the two hour season premiere of Grey's Anatomy with my right arm Melissa whom I will now refer to as "my person"...she knows what it means. Not bad for a day's work. Untill next time...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Time Flies...

Sheesh! The days sure are passing by fast. Alot has happened in the last week. We had our family BBQ. Papa finally got those beef back ribs he was asking for. The food was really good although I was under the weather =(
David FINALLY go his hair cut just in time for picture day at school. Some would say it was a miricle but we made it through the whole haircut without any tears...the lady was really good with him. David also had his open house this week and we all meet with his teacher Mrs. Aicha. She is the sweetest lady and is very hands on with the kids. David is really growing up now. He is no longer the class bully althogh he sometimes needs extra reminding to be quiet during circle time. He is learning so much everyday, it amazes me. He knows his left from right, How to spell his name and how many letters are in his name. Today was his first show and tell. He was so proud of himself that he ran in and told everyone what was in his bag. LOL! I guess we will have to work on that one!
I am doing much better. After almost a week of being sick from the chemo and loosing a majority of my eyesight, I am now holding down food and able to see again. I have had two days in a row where I feel pretty much wonderful. It's the first time in a year that I have felt this good. I hope that it lasts...knock on wood! I even got a report from my DR that my MRI results look better thatn last year...whatever that least the word better is encouraging.
Earlier this week David and I got the approval from "the powers that be" (mom & dad) lol, that we can finally make a trip back to San Diego. This is very exciting for us. It will be great to see family and friends and for me , to be well enough to remember the visit. That wasn't the case last year. I was very, very ill and it wasn't much fun for anyone this should be a treat. We will be gone Oct 28- Dec 2. Sounds like a long time but we all know how time flies.
Well thatnks for checkin in and I hope you all had a wonderful week. Enjoy the weekend!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Well folks, I survived.

As some of you may know I am in a constant batle to keep my MS under control. My latest attempt at tht has been chemotherapy. Yesterday was my first treatment, and I must say I was a wreck. I think I let the emotional conversation with distant family members and fear of the unknown get the best of me for a day, but since then the tear ducts have dried out and I am back to as normal as I ever am.
My Dad accompanied me (as, always...he is such a trooper!) and I was greeted by my favorite nurse (whitch is a huge bonas when you are going to be a human pin cushion, LOL!) and 30 minutes, three IV"s and a bag of fluid as blue as drano later and it was complete! Not as bad as I made it out to be thats for sure...i tend to be over dramatic at times =)
As far as side effects go....I can't keep anything down, my internal thermostat is off it's rocker, very restless without being able to sleep, and those lovely little body aches that leave you feeling hit by a truck is all I have experienced so far. The good news is that it's only a few notches up from what I am used too, and nothing I wouldn't go through in the hopes of getting better. Now I just have to wait and seeif I loose my hair, but I have been saying many prayers on that suject. Yes I know, I'ts just will grow.
Well thanks for letting me ramble. I can't wait to get this website out to all my friends and family, so we can all stay connected. Have a blessed day XOXO~Jess
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thanks Melissa!!
Hello friends!!! I heard about this site from my wonderful neighbor Melissa, & I thought it would be a great way to keep all our friend'sa and family updated on our lives and David's growth. I am really excited to get this page up and running so I can have everyone come check it out.!!!! This is a great way to keep in touch, but since I am a first time blogger please bear with me while I work out all the kinks!!!! I'll talk with you all soon =)
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